Painful Lower Back Pain during Pregnancy

Painful Lower Back Pain during Pregnancy

One common hurdle numerous expectant mothers face is lower back pain. With up to 10% experiencing such severe discomfort, it hampers their ability to carry out everyday tasks or even maintain employment.

Typically, this lower back pain sets in between the fifth and seventh months of pregnancy. However, it can commence as early as eight to twelve weeks for some women.

Identifying Potential Risks and Causes

Severe lower back pain during pregnancy can sometimes signify a more serious underlining issue. Among the most troubling causes is preterm labor. Women should remain vigilant for new cyclical pain, which might signal uterine contractions. Accompanying symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, changes in discharge, or signs of early water rupture should not be overlooked. Equally alarming are symptoms like numbness, tingling, or sharp, shooting pains in the buttocks, legs, or feet.

The growing pregnancy and baby create additional weight that your back must support. Poor posture or excessive standing and bending can exacerbate back pain. Plus, stress usually amasses in the body’s weaker areas, resulting in an escalation of back pain during your pregnancy’s stressful periods.

Women with pre-existing lower back ailments are at a higher risk of pregnancy-induced back pain, sometimes experiencing it earlier in their pregnancy. During pregnancy, lumbar pain, typically located at, and above the waist in the center of the back, is prevalent. It often accompanies pain radiating into the leg or foot. Posterior pelvic pain is four times more common than lumbar pain during pregnancy.

Body Adaptation and Coping Mechanisms

During pregnancy, the body prepares for the baby’s passage through the birth canal with the hormone relaxin loosening the joints in the pelvis. Simultaneously beneficial yet challenging, this can result in back pain when the joints become overly flexible.

Despite these challenges, there are ways to alleviate or prevent back pain during pregnancy. Wearing supportive clothing and shoes is a great start. Paying careful attention to your position while sitting, sleeping, and lifting can further alleviate distress, encouraging a smoother, healthier pregnancy journey.


Lower back pain during pregnancy is common, but it should not be overlooked. Always seek professional medical advice to ensure the health and safety of you and your baby. Remember, healthy moms make healthy babies!